Friday, October 14, 2011

Give Away

Do you want a chance to win the
Cream of Multi-Strand Necklace.

This necklace was made in India by the women at Noah’s Ark Mission who are able to work from home.  They no longer have to work 12-14 hour days at the sweatshops like so many in India. They get to spend time with their families and make a fair wage!
  Many in India are unable to read and write, as most cannot afford an education. But Noah’s Ark Mission has started a school for three of the poorest villages in the area and helps provide clean water! Their goal is to train their artisans to own their own business, so that they can provide for their family!
This is how you can win this necklace. 

1.  Click on this link and become a fan of my facebook page, Jill of Trades of Hope.
2. Comment on your favorite product from Trades of Hope so far on my blog.
3.  Become a "follower" of Trades of Hope Blog. (you just have to join this blog).

Leave a comment under this post for each of the items you did above to get your name into the drawing 3x.

The winner will be picked on Monday, Oct. 17.  


  1. I love contests so I will be the first to enter! :) I liked your FB page before the contest - does that still count as an entry?

  2. Yes, Paula. You just have to leave a comment and tell me that you did all three things and you are in the drawing!! YIPEE! Thanks Paula for your support.

  3. I am trying to become a follower of your blog but I cannot figure it out. The Join This Blog link is not working I think.

  4. I liked on Facebook and am now following your blog. I think my favorite thing pictured on the blog is the silver wire bracelet. (This is Dusty, by the way.)

  5. Hi Jill, I did all 3 and I love the Haitian Cereal Beaded Necklace:)

  6. It's Amber, I don't know why it's displaying another title for my name, lol:)

  7. WooHoo...I did all 3 and my favorite thing right now is the Uganda basket. I'm thinking it would look wonderful in my kitchen and it'd be one piece to 'talk' about, and those are pieces I like. Things that have meaning, and all of these items have great meaning. Love what you're doing :)
